Greetings, You have reached the United Knights of Tennessee, Order of the Ku Klux Klan Realm of South Carolina.  Our goals are many. You may think that the Klan in S.C is dead. We are alive and well.  I pray that you find the information provided on this website useful. Not everyone can join the REAL Ku Klux Klan. We have been around since the 1860's and we are not going anywhere anytime soon. We are here to stay. It is an honor and a privilage to join us. We do NOT accept just anyone into our sacred brotherhood. We are an active Klan who is here for the preservation of our Country and Race.

The white race is in need of protection. The Christian religion is in need of protection now more than ever. The early Christian's were persecuted and had to hide their identity. The same is true today. Todays society looks down upon anyone who does not believe as they do. They teach our children to believe as they do. We do not fear our enemies. Our enemies are the ones who preach anti-christian rhetoric. They preach pro- homosexual propaganda. They teach our children that it is wrong to be proud of being white. They dont allow prayer in school. They want us to feel sorry for the illegals and just allow them to take our jobs and support them. We want the best for OUR Country. And what they want is NOT what is best!